News & Events
Via Röntgen 1
ASK Seminar Series, curated by Clarice Pecory Giraldi, Association Professional Art Advisors member.
Aula Magna, Via Gobbi 5 - Milano
Stefania Gerevini, ASK Faculty Affiliate, will give a talk at the TEDxBocconiU dedicated to Light.
Romeo Graziella in conversation with Inge Graek and Anna Tzanaki
Le Dimore del Quartetto
The press conference launching the activities of the first step of the project MUSA
Speakers: Eleanor Spaventa, Marc Bosmans, Krzsztof Kanton, Robert Neruda, Sylvaine Peruzzetto Poillot, Dario Simeoli, Marina Tavassi, Laura Zoboli
Speakers: Maciej Bernatt, Wojciech Dorabialsky, Konstantina Strouvali, Mario Todino, Alessandra Tonazzi, Tihamer Toth
Speakers: Teresa Maggiolino, Mira Scholten, Ginevra Bruzzone, Antonio Capobianco, Thibault Schrepel, Christopher Townley
Evento organizzato da ASK e accreditato dall'Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano
Room 35 (3rd floor, Via Sarfatti 25)
Games and Interactive Entertainment Law conference