TEDxBocconiU - 8th edition

Aula Magna, Via Gobbi 5 - Milano
Stefania Gerevini, ASK Faculty Affiliate, will give a talk at the TEDxBocconiU dedicated to Light.
Light is such a simple yet abstract concept.
While we all agree that light is nothing but electromagnetic radiation detected by the human eye, not even the dictionary agrees on a single definition.
Light is what makes vision possible. It is emotion. It is spiritual illumination.
Light has long been a symbol of good in the world. It embodies the fight of good vs evil (light vs darkness). It is said to be the source of life.
It is guidance, both physical while lost in the dark and spiritual when looking for a new path. It is rebirth and generation. It is a symbol of self-amelioration.
It is excellence. It is simplicity and laughs. It is information and clarity.
As our speakers walk us through such a multifaceted concept, we are guided as by a lighthouse to look for our inner light.