The Birth of a Punishment. The first defamatory paintings in communal Italy (1240-1260)
Have you ever looked at images of punishment, and wondered what they actually mean?
Then join us for the second event in our series dedicated to Arts and Politics, and spread the word amongst colleagues and friends!
Our lecture "The Birth of a Punishment. The first defamatory paintings in communal Italy (1240-1260)" (which follows Prof. Salvatore Settis's talk on 20 February) will explore the complex intersections between images, law and the exercise of justice from a historical perspective, with a talk by Dr Giuliano Milani (Sapienza - Università di Roma).
The seminar is part of the Art and Politics Seminar Series, supported by the Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management and ASK - Art, Science and Knowledge Research Centre, and is convened by Stefania Gerevini and Piero Stanig. The series examines the ways in which images and artifacts contribute to construct and disseminate shared political ideals and notions of citizenship and justice; and conversely, what institutional, discursive, and ideological contexts shape the objects and images that we call visual arts. Doing so, the series aims to explore the wider potential of the arts to engage our sense of reality and experience of the political.
(The seminar will be held in English)