ASK papers at AIMAC 2007
ASK faculty members and researchers presented papers at the 9th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC), held at the University of Valencia from July 8-11, 2007.
Cultural heritage: profiling visitors of archaeological sites
Armando Cirrincione, Stefano Baia Curioni, Maria Carmela Ostillio, Renata Trinca Colonel
Surfing the product life cycle: patterns of visible titles in the movie industry
Paola Dubini, Elena Raviola
Value drivers for cultural events. empirical evidences from Italy
Rossella Cappetta, Beatrice Manzoni, Severino Salvemini
The management of cultural destinations: in search for a destination balanced scorecard
Cinzia Parolini
Tourist cards as a source of information on visitor's behaviour in heritage cities
Cinzia Parolini, Ulpiana Kocollari
Les manifestations culturelles pour le développement du territoire : un nouveau systèm d'indicateurs pour l'évaluation des festivals
Anna Merlo, Alessandro Rubini
The impact of human capital on museum performance
Chiara Paolino, Silvia Bagdadli
Integrating heritage management and tourist development in Italian heritage cities
Manuela De Carlo, Paola Dubini
Toward a practice-based planning: the case of the festival of religious music in Milan
Lorenzo Bizzi, Severino Salvemini